InvestorCarrot Review: Affordable Lead Generation Websites That Actually Work

Investorcarrot reviews

The real estate investing business is very lucrative. There are so many variables associated with the industry that things can get very frustrating and time consuming. Because of this, any tool that you can take advantage of to help you save time, be more organized, and increase your chances of making money is a valuable one.

There are many different types of real estate investor software on the market and choosing one that meets your needs is very important. InvestorCarrot is a great real estate software program currently on the market.

Investor carrot real estate website are responsive

What is InvestorCarrot?

InvestorCarrot is a lead generation website builder that provides ready-made websites specifically designed for real estate investors. These are comprehensive website solutions that include everything one needs to capture leads, follow up, and close deals.

The service also provides a host of tools to help you promote your website, build a contact database, pull in leads consistently, and has a great follow up system.

Investorcarot websites generate motivated seller and cash buyer leads

What’s Included in the Package?

When you join InvestorCarrot, you will get multiple websites designed to promote your real estate investing business. The number of websites you get access to will depend on what package you choose.

Investorcarrot website system service package details

For your monthly fee you receive:

  • Multiple real estate investor websites powered by Investor Carrot
  • A robust CRM system to allow you to build a contact database
  • An internal email platform
  • Access to a plethora of training on how to use Investor Carrot
  • Marketing strategies that have been tested and proven successful
  • Done for you content such as articles, blog posts, and other tools you can use to help pull in Investor Carrot leads
  • Multiple landing pages per website (will allow you to pull in leads from multiple markets and for multiple investing strategies)
  • High quality InvestorCarrot support (the team at Investor Carrot is there to support each member with answers to any questions they may have)

Who is Investor Carrot Right For?

One of the great things about InvestorCarrot is that the websites and services will work for investors no matter what your investing strategy is.

You could be interested in wholesaling houses, fixing and flipping, buying and holding for monthly income, or you might be a realtor looking for clients who want to buy a new home or sell their existing one.

InvestorCarrot will allow you to focus on any or all the above to reach your real estate investing goals!

Real estate lead generation system details

Note: I have an affiliate relationship with Carrot. If you make purchases through links on this InvestorCarrot reviews article. Carrot may give me a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!

With access to multiple websites, you can tailor each individually to target leads for that particular niche of your business. This represents a huge value as you are not limited to pulling in leads for just one area of the REI industry.

Related: OnCarrot Review: Done-For-You Real Estate Lead Generation Websites that Convert


At first glance, there is a lot to love about the Investor Carrot Platform. The fact that no matter which package you choose, you get access to multiple websites is a huge plus. Even with a minimum investment you can work several different real estate investing strategies.

Investor carrot free resources for real estate investors and agents

You are provided with completely created websites that include a ton of features. This is a huge plus. Building just one website from scratch that contains everything an InvestorCarrot website does would likely cost you hundreds, possibly even over $1,000 dollars and could take weeks or even months to finish.

Add to that the support and content you have access to once you become a member. You can really begin to see how valuable of an investment InvestorCarrot really can be.

In all reality, if you pulled in and closed just one lead per year, it is likely that you would not only pay for the service in full, you would also have profit left to put in your pocket.

Investorcarrot lead generation website system dashboard preview


There are a few negatives to InvestorCarrot. Which are likely not an issue for everyone, but I thought it worth mentioning:

  • Learning curve – While you may be ready to pay your fee, download your sites and start making money, it’s not quite that simple. You will have to tailor your sites with your information, and you may even need to make changes to some of the pre-loaded content to fit your market, your brand, and your investing techniques. There are a lot of tools and systems available to you. Once you learn how to use them, all that power will be welcoming, but until then, the process can seem daunting.
  • The content – As an InvestorCarrot member you are provided content for each site. This includes articles and posts that are a bit basic and general. Premium content is available in the premium package. Even then, you are likely better off writing the content yourself or hiring someone to create better quality articles and blog posts to use for your promotional needs.
  • InvestorCarrot pricing – $69/mo Core plan, $99/mo Content Pro plan, and $199/mo Advanced Marketer plan; should be considered affordable by most. Some may not like the fact that Investor Carrot is a monthly subscription.
Investorcarrot pricing


Investor Carrot represents a quality solution for anyone who is in the real estate investing world. Access to an array of tools designed to help you save time and money; including sophisticated inbound lead generation tools. That alone justifies the price of signing up.

Investor carrot reviews banner

To make your decision to sign up easier, InvestorCarrot offers a risk-free 30-day money back guarantee.

Keep in mind 30 days is not a long time. Once you join, get to work quickly. Launch a few websites and begin collecting leads. Use the software and explore everything Investor Carrot has to offer. I’m sure you will not be disappointed.

Investor Carrot FAQ’s

What is Carrot Platform?

The Investor carrot platform is a website builder tailored specifically for real estate investors. It helps you attract more leads and boost your conversion rate.

They offer various plans tailored to your individual needs and budget, depending on what you require and want to spend. Plus, they provide weekly coaching calls and marketing tools so you can maximize the potential of their platform.

Carrot is an intuitive website builder that lets you customize your real estate website with content tailored specifically for your business. Select from multiple templates and design your site however you like – guaranteeing it looks professional and is user-friendly for visitors.

You can also incorporate features to your website that will increase traffic and boost conversions. For instance, setting up a page where people can text you about their property allows for immediate connection with prospects and begins the communication process before they have time to call or email you.

Add testimonials to your website as a powerful way to build credibility and attract more business. These endorsements can be added quickly and automatically appear on search engine results, providing you with additional leads.

There are also downloadable guides you can provide your potential clients to learn more about the real estate market and how to avoid foreclosure or deal with an investor. These documents can be accessed directly from your site, making it convenient for them to download and connecting you with more potential buyers.

What is investor carrot?

Investor Carrot is a subscription service that enables real estate investors and agents to quickly build websites for buying, selling, building a buyers list, and branding their companies. It has become popular due to its user-friendly interface and competitive pricing.

This website provides pre-made templates based on proven conversion metrics, making it simpler for new real estate investors to get started quickly. These designs are created from data sourced from thousands of real estate sites, giving subscribers access to high-performing designs right out of the gate.

One of the key features on Carrot is the ability to track your ROI through campaign tracking links, which can be utilized in email or PPC campaigns, Facebook ads and Craigslist ads. This helps determine which ads work and which don’t so that you can optimize your paid advertising efforts accordingly.

Another fantastic feature is the content marketing area, which provides SEO-optimized blog posts tailored specifically for your target market. Articles can be scheduled to post automatically at set intervals, saving you money on copywriting services.

The service also provides texting modules, enabling users to automatically send leads a message. This is an advantageous feature for real estate investors since it helps them stay in contact with potential clients who might be interested in their services.

The service also has a customer relationship management (CRM) module, making it simple for real estate professionals to monitor their leads and document conversations. Furthermore, it keeps all of their leads organized centrally.

Do Real Estate Investor Websites Actually Work?

Are you searching for an efficient way to generate leads? Consider investing in a website or network of websites that can generate targeted leads. There are plenty of options, from Wix and Weebly to platforms tailored specifically for real estate investors and service agents.

Investor Carrot is a Portland, Oregon-based company founded by real estate professionals that uses their expertise to construct websites that generate high-converting leads for their clients. According to their estimates, they’ve helped generate over 2 million leads over the past five years – proof enough of their success!

The Carrot Platform is a set of web-based tools designed specifically for real estate investors and wholesalers to efficiently ‘work’ leads from inquiry through closed deals. With these tailored tools tailored specifically for this industry, anyone in the business will find it an appealing proposition.

Investor Carrot stands out with their downloadable guides that assist motivated sellers in quickly selling their houses. These guides not only drive traffic and potential buyers to your website, but they put you in contact with eager sellers eager to close a deal.

Investor Carrot offers a variety of add-ons to customize your website even further. These include landing pages that can be optimized for specific markets and CRM tools that help track and manage leads.

How much do InvestorCarrot sites cost?

If you’re in the real estate industry and looking to attract more leads, having a website is essential. Unfortunately, if you don’t possess any coding or web development expertise, building one from scratch may prove daunting.

Investor Carrot provides the solution, making it simpler than ever for people to create an effective real estate investing website. Their websites are tailored towards a specific marketing strategy, providing all the essential features required to attract leads and kickstart your business.

The Investor Carrot platform provides a suite of tools for generating real estate leads, such as an optimized site optimized for search engine optimization (SEO). It also has content marketing areas where users can create blog articles tailored to their own business objectives that are optimized for SEO optimization and scheduled at different times throughout the month.

Investors save thousands of dollars they would have had to invest in hiring copywriters for creating their own marketing content. Furthermore, this feature allows you to monitor the success of your campaigns by creating campaign tracking links on your website.

It’s also beneficial for generating leads directly from your website. Property listing software enables you to showcase property listings to prospective buyers, so you can quickly gauge how much interest there is in a particular house or condo.

There are three Investor Carrot plans to choose from: Core $69/mo, Content Pro $99/mo, and Advance Marketer $199/mo.

Is Carrot website worth it?

Building a high-converting website is one of the most essential elements of inbound marketing for real estate investors. Make sure your site is optimized for search engines, mobile-friendly and user-friendly to attract and convert potential clients.

Investor Carrot provides fully customizable websites for your business that are SEO optimized and load quickly to make it easy for visitors to navigate your site and opt-in for your email list. Plus, each site comes equipped with high-converting design elements that have been tested and proven successful.

It offers pre-written content and an integrated SEO checker to make optimizing pages for search engine ranking a breeze. Plus, its blog posts are SEO optimized as well. It also comes with various marketing tools designed to help grow your real estate business online.

There is also a texting module that enables you to automatically send clients and prospects text messages. This is an effective way of reaching out to your target market, even if some potential clients aren’t on your email list.

Their support is unbeatable and their library of training can truly boost your results. You’ll gain insight into using the platform, what to do next, and how to expand your real estate business.

Are Investor Carrot Websites SEO Optimized?

Real estate investing is an increasingly competitive and technologically driven industry, with over 80% of all buying decisions beginning with a search engine query. That’s why having an effective website and having an online presence are essential for any savvy real estate investor.

Carrot makes website building a breeze, taking away much of the stress and time required. Their user-friendly builder is incredibly user friendly, so once you sign up, your site is ready to go.

They offer some of the best built-in SEO features I’ve seen for an unbeatably low price! Their keyword tool allows you to enter your main search phrase and see what Google suggests as suggested searches. Furthermore, you can adjust your title tag so it is visible as soon as Google views it on your page – another key factor in ranking for certain keywords.

Investor Carrot has many reasons to be your top choice over other options on the market, not least of which is their unbeatable pricing, superior website quality and lead generation capabilities for real estate businesses! There’s simply no comparison when it comes to Investor Carrot – you won’t find a better fit!

Customize your Carrot site to stand out from other websites on the market with their extensive array of design options. They offer a great amount of freedom when it comes to branding your website, so you’re free to make it unique for you and your brand.

Do Carrot Real Estate Agent Websites Work?

Carrot is a real estate investor website builder that makes creating an eye-catching site easy. They provide customizable templates, lead capture forms, and SEO optimization for your site – all in minutes!

They offer a blog area where you can post professional articles tailored to your target market. Plus, with scheduling capabilities for specific times and dates, you save thousands on copywriting services while tracking ROI.

A real estate agent website should generate leads for your business. They feature an integrated lead management tool, making it simple to monitor all leads in one place and determine whether or not they are ready to buy. This makes tracking conversations with prospects much simpler, allowing you to focus on closing deals more efficiently.

Setting up a property listing page for clients to view is simple. This feature serves to showcase all of your properties and attract more potential buyers and sellers alike.

You can use their Facebook ad plugin to share your posts on Facebook. Furthermore, they provide custom campaign tracking links so you can monitor how well your Facebook and Craigslist ads perform.

These features are the primary reason you should invest in an Investor Carrot real estate agent website. They will help generate leads, develop your business, and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

This platform is supported by an impressive community of realtors that have generated over 2 million leads – ready to assist you in reaching your own success!

How much do Agent Carrot Websites Cost?

The Agent Carrot program offers a selection of services designed to assist you with building and maintaining your website. These include IDX integration, content marketing tools, SEO optimization and lead management system. Furthermore, downloadable guides for sellers and potential buyers can be added directly onto your website.

Real Estate Agent Content Pro Plan: For just $99 per month, you get access to Visual Editor, 1 High Converting Website, Carrot Lead Manager, Landing Page Builder, fifteen campaign tracking links, and much more!

Agent Carrot members have access to an expansive real estate content library they can use on their site, as well as a monthly content pack. All content is tailored specifically for the industry and designed to add value for website visitors.

Add a focus keyword to your page and have Carrot analyze it to maximize its SEO potential. Select from an extensive range of relevant keywords tailored specifically for your business and target market.

Furthermore, you can integrate your listing website into Carrot website using the IDX integration feature, allowing visitors to view current listings directly on your site instead of through a third-party listing service. This helps extend visitor engagement on your site and gives you an opportunity to convert them into leads.

Two plans are available to suit your needs and budget. The Content Pro Plan is ideal for real estate agents who want a high-converting website without needing weekly coaching calls or other marketing tools; it costs $99 a month and also includes Carrot Lead Manager along with your high converting website. The Advance Marketer Plan cost $199 a month and includes everything in the content pro plan including Carrot IDX and much more!

Who Are the Best Real Estate Investors?

Real estate investors possess the expertise to identify opportunities, negotiate for lower prices and generate a profitable return on investment. Furthermore, they possess the patience to take a long-term view and increase property values over time.

They are willing to put in the effort and invest for the long term. Furthermore, they understand that in real estate you must be flexible and adaptable.

Gatsby Investment – This company provides accredited investors with access to residential and commercial properties in Los Angeles, which is considered one of the world’s most valuable markets. They provide opportunities for house flips, renovations, new development as well as short-term and long-term rentals.

Sam Zell – This real estate mogul is the founder of three REITs: Equity Residential, Equity Office Properties Trust and Equity Lifestyle Properties. His net worth has reportedly risen to around $6 billion through investments and management throughout his career.

Robert Clark and Dylan Suitor – These two entrepreneurial real estate investors have been investing for eight years, searching for undervalued multi-family properties that require major restoration work.

Kris Krohn – This investor has assembled an impressive team and developed an algorithm that allows him to identify profitable real estate investments with minimal time and effort. Through his strategy of purchasing single family homes below market value and then adding value through additional equity, he has successfully grown his portfolio in just a few years.

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